Day 44 : new challenges 🏋🏻
One day at a time is enough, and Sam Goodchild, who has made this motto his own for pressure-free sailing, is nevertheless seeing his resolutions undermined by the immediate proximity of no less than 6 of the VendĂ©e Globe’s most formidable protagonists.
In fact, there are 7 boats, including his VULNERABLE, within 200 miles of each other, ahead of a slightly escaped Thomas Ruyant. Without dreaming of improbable runners-up spots against a trio of leaders already well advanced in the South Atlantic, Sam keeps in the back of his mind the possibility of finishing first of the 13 foreigners in this VendĂ©e Globe; a performance that Swiss sailor Justine Mettraux (TEAMWORK-TEAM SNEF) is inevitably thinking about, back in contact with Sam, while Germany’s Boris Hermann is having a remarkable Pacific crossing. From left to right, front to back, Sam is under attack from all sides. The very westerly wind forced him to tack downwind, which was not very conducive to high speed. But the wind’s next shift to the north-west could enable him to lengthen his stride towards that fantasized Cape Horn.
A new day, new challenges – that’s how life goes for the British sailor on VULNÉRABLE.
Jour 47 : nouveaux défis 🏋🏻
A chaque jour suffit sa peine et Sam Goodchild, qui a fait sienne cette devise pour naviguer sans pression, se voit pourtant malmener dans ses résolutions par la proximité immédiate de pas moins de 6 des plus redoutables protagonistes de ce Vendée Globe.
Ils sont en effet 7 voiliers, en ajoutant son VULNÉRABLE, Ă Ă©voluer en moins de 200 milles, sus Ă un Thomas Ruyant lĂ©gèrement Ă©chappĂ©. Faute de rĂŞver Ă d’improbables accessits face Ă un trio de leaders dĂ©jĂ bien avancĂ© en Atlantique Sud, Sam garde dans un coin de son esprit la possibilitĂ© de terminer premier des 13 Ă©trangers de ce VendĂ©e Globe; Une performance Ă laquelle la Suissesse Justine Mettraux (TEAMWORK-TEAM SNEF) pense forcĂ©ment, revenue au contact de Sam, alors que l’Allemand Boris Hermann rĂ©alise une traversĂ©e du Pacifique en tous points remarquable. De gauche, de droite, d’avant et d’arrière, Sam se voit attaquer de toute part. Le vent très orientĂ© Ă l’ouest l’oblige Ă tirer de bords de portant peu favorables Ă la haute vitesse. Mais la prochaine rotation du vent au Nord Ouest pourrait lui permettre d’allonger la foulĂ©e vers ce Cap Horn fantasmĂ©.
Nouvelle journée, nouveaux défis, ainsi va la vie du marin Britannique de VULNÉRABLE.